Exactly a month back I posted on the brave and hard work being done by the team at Bradford council to create a new digital platform.

After the team took the time to show me their progress, being done in the right way, I pulled together a quick sticker design (borrowing from the set-up in gov) and sent it off to print as a thank you.

Pulling together the artwork I was reminded of Bradford’s motto:

Progress. Industry. Humanity.

On gov stickers we carry the motto “Trust. Users. Delivery.” While Bradford council’s digital platform team had been inspired by the work in government, the city’s motto seemed a more than apt replacement.

And because the team have been going about work the right way, a tick seemed a good mark, a positive indicator. Well done! Keep doing this! (Plus, I am rubbish at drawing thumbs ups so, y’know…)

I also got them printed onto shiny gold. Because everyone likes a shiny.

Here’s the stickers.

The bradford.gov.uk tick stickers

This morning, the council’s senior technology officer David Cawthray tweeted me. The stickers had arrived! Good to see! David and everyone else who worked hard on the council’s platform deserve them. As a Bradford citizen it is still amazing they worked the way they did to make what they did. And they are still going!

As a believer of working in the open, I’ve uploaded the artwork for the sticker for anyone else who could make use of it.

Two conditions:

  1. You have worked on a digital service in the right way (either to meet the government digital by default service standard, the local gov standard, or an equivalent) – and it’s out there.
  2. You can only have a sticker if you have earned it. These are not for promotional purposes. Stick them and show them off with pride.

The artwork is set to size (45mm/4.5cm) and if you want a printer I recommend Diginate or Awesome Merch. You want circular stickers and a matt finish.

Get the artwork here. It’s a PDF, which can be opened in Adobe Illustrator. You can alter the words and colours easy enough.

And if you do make use of this artwork, let me know!

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