• I had some unexpected but welcome thinking this week. I had a look through my guiding principles for work and was reminded I try to and I have tried to work as openly as possible over the last six years or so. So, why haven’t I been recently? Stuff, eh. Maybe publishing some quick end-of-week notes again will help get some of that going again. So here we are. And I’ll give my guiding principles for working a dust off and share them.
  • I found half an hour to finish building a Lego City set that had been lurking lurking in the shed for the last few months. I’m not the biggest fan of the seeming default design workshop Let’s Break Out The Lego! approach, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like Lego. I’ve a lot of the City stuff in the shed… Building it: I like the time away, the time aside, the time to myself to build a set. And it’s usually a little pleasure, reading the instructions and clicking it all together, piece by piece. It makes a change from work where feels like what are instructions? Anyway, was reminded just how excellent the building instructions are for Lego sets. Something in this for all fans and dissers of documentation.
  • Matt Hancock mentioning “world class” again about the UK’s coronavirus track amnd trace is starting to get on my whick. What even does that mean? Standards, ones that uphold the idea of something – especially a public service – being good enough for all who use and will use the service I am all for. But the Cvoid-19 service (or services even) just need to work, to work well.
  • I started wearing a FreeStyle Libre sensor this week. More in my latest diabetes note.
  • I am looking forward to running again this weekend. I was trying to run 70km this week. The last couple of days paused that. I am teetering at the 30km point. I have recently been enjoying a run early in the morning and a run at the end of the day, two 5km jaunts. One woke me up. The other helped me wind down. Felt good on the legs too. See what I can do tomorrow and Sunday.
  • The boy has followed up learning Python by asking for an Arduino. I caved in quite easily and got him him one. The starter kit from Pimoroni is pretty neat. I got myself some kit to use one of the older Raspberry Pis as a weather station, put it in the shed, feed the data into the wider world. I resisted getting a Picade kit.
  • Took in some more of Luke Cage season two. Some of its best scenes are less about the muscular action but the pains of recollection. I don’t mind it spread over 13 epsiodes. Having 13 episodes allows you to write those scenes. Go along for the journey, not just to get to the destination.
  • Tried to make sure we were tidied up and sat down in the lounge for 8pm so we could watch a film. This doesn’t happen enough. Managed it not just once this week, but twice. Saw Booksmart (on Amazon Prine Video at the mo) and afterwards was why oh why didn’t I make the effort to see it at the cinema. So so good. The Gentlemen, Guy Ritchie’s return to gangster land, is OK. An Arsenal game provides an unexpected pivotal plot point. Good reference to The Conversation. Lots of C-bombs. Surprised the boy thought it was good. Wonder what the kids will make of Lock, Stock… and Snatch now… (Any other parents do that Oh, they’ve watched the most recent film by this director, I’ll make sure they go further back into their catalogue… thing?)
  • Listening to Chaos Monkeys at the mo. There’s a bit where they first go into Y-Combinator and Jessica Livingston gets a mention. Reminded me it’s a good ten summers since I read Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days. One of those business books, but at the time opened my eyes more to the things that went and go wrong with businesses as much as things that went and they did “right”. Less about looking good, PR hue; More about keeping it real. Also reminded a lot of business problems, maybe most business problems, when they are not cashflow problems are people problems. Founders at Work is still excellent.
  • I spent a lot of time looking through the Black History and Culture part of Google’s Arts & Culture. Didn’t feel I got anywhere near the end either, which is good. More to take in.
  • Sweet post on behaviour modes from the Co-op Digital team.
  • Still cannot get past what feels like the first boss in Control. Are the bosses hard or am I just shit at bosses? Feel I am close to doing what kids do: Watch a walkthrough video on YouTube.
  • Reminder: I need to take some time out to do an virutal gallery or museum or something tour.
  • It’s the time of year the scent of elderflower hangs in the air. Enjoy it while it’s there.

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weeknotes, 2020 weeknotes

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