I’ve written before about looking sideways, getting out of your bubble to see how others do things. There’s a flip side to that.

Over the past few years* I have always had time to help educate and have conversations about design and digital, from sessions — talks, lectures, and classes — at universities, drop-ins sessions at places like the DWP Digital Academy, to regularly being a mentor at Bradford CoderDojo. I prefer these opportunities to “public speaking gigs”. (I’ve only accepted one public speaking engagement in the most recent years, at the excellent Camp Digital conference.)

Usually these opportunities to share and teach have come as a friendly request through my networks. It’s some stuff — but I don’t think it’s enough. I’d like to do more.

I’d like to talk about and share even more the work I do and have done, with the teams I’ve been a part of, and how we have done that work. I also want to have more conversations about what “design” is and can be.

If you’re in education — whether you’re a course leader, teacher, or student — and you’re interested in me coming into where you are or would like to come to where I work, let’s have a chat. My details are the contact page. I would love to help you.

And if you’re reading this and considering making a similar offer, do it.

*Just worked that out. Since about 2004.