In late November I wrote about looking sideways more. I suggested it’s a thing that you should look into doing a bit more – because I find it the kind of thing that’s useful.

As 2017 kicks off I find myself with a chance to do a bit more of that: I’ve gotta take some days off away from NHS Beta between now and the end of March.

There’s half term in the middle of February, so some family time there. But, other than that? Well, my wife has a job that keeps her busy during the week. And my kids are old enough they have their own lives. And if those guys aren’t free? That leaves a few other days left I need to take.

I could just fill the time with… stuff. But I’ve spent enough time over the years just filling time. I hate it.

I could group all that time together and do a stretch freelancing somewhere. Here’s the flip side: I love the work I do these days and the places I do it.

So, here’s an offer: I will gladly use some of those days off to nip in and spend time with at other places working on things that matter – and maybe me being there will be a look sideways for you too.

I’m up for owt, whether it’s help with the work you’re doing, general cheerleading about design, or showing up to give you a morale boost. It’s 9.40pm as I end tapping this. An hour-and-a-half ago I made this offer on Twitter and already have a couple of days planned in. If you’re interested just drop me a line.

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Weeknotes s01e07